If you have seen any of my posts recently, you know I am amazed by how using Agile skills in my classroom helped my kids grow so much in how they communicate, collaborate, and take charge of their own learning. But you also know that I’m a relative newbie to the Agile world. So I’m following my students’ example- I’m taking charge of my own learning, too! Having an Agile mindset is not new, but it’s new to me. So I want to use this time to learn more. I want to be more prepared for my students next year. And no, I’m not striving for perfection. That’s not the goal in Agility. I’m striving for progress, authenticity, and value.
For anyone that is considering making an Agile transformation , your kids don’t need you to be perfect. They need you to be the authentic teacher that you are. They need you to try new things that can add value to their lives through your class. They need you to help them make progress and empower themselves as they navigate this unpredictable world.
I hope those of you that are further along on this Agile journey will add to my reading list! Be sure to send me your suggestions.